Ana Luísa Pinho

BrainsCAN Postdoctoral Fellow at The Music and Neuroscience Lab, in collaboration with Diedrichsenlab.


WIN-WIRB, office #4130

Western Univ., Dock #76

1151 Richmond St N

London, Ontario

N6A 3K7, Canada

I am a Neuroscientist with a background in Engineering Physics. My research focuses on the application of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and statistical techniques to map the neurocognitive mechanisms in the human brain involved in higher-order cognition.


Jun 5, 2024 The data descriptor of the third release of the Individual Brain Charting (IBC) dataset is out! We validate naturalistic tasks using FastSRM, an unsupervised data-driven approach to model fMRI time series where the shared response and individual spatial maps are learnt jointly. Check it out here!
Feb 14, 2024 You can listen now here the Neurosalience live podcast episode at OHBM2023 where I discuss, together with Enrico Amico, Emily Finn and Tim Laumann, individual differences in the human brain.
Nov 9, 2023 The preprint of the data decriptor about the third release of the Individual-Brain-Charting (IBC) dataset is out! We showcase the application of the Fast Shared Response Model to extract, from naturalistic stimuli, functional networks of the visual, auditory and language systems. You can check it here!
Mar 31, 2023 It was great to give a talk at the MNI Feindel Brain and Mind Lecture Series ! :grinning: You can now check my slides on the Selected Talks page.
Nov 7, 2022 I am now on Mastodon! Join and follow me:

Selected Publications

  1. Journal Article
    Connecting to create: expertise in musical improvisation is associated with increased functional connectivity between premotor and prefrontal areas
    Ana Luísa Pinho, Örjan Manzano, Peter Fransson, Helene Eriksson, and Fredrik Ullén
    J Neurosci Apr 2014
  2. Journal Article
    Subject-specific segregation of functional territories based on deep phenotyping
    Ana Luísa Pinho, Alexis Amadon, Murielle Fabre, Elvis Dohmatob, Isabelle Denghien, Juan Jesús Torre, Chantal Ginisty, Séverine Becuwe-Desmidt, and 13 more authors
    Hum Brain Mapp Mar 2021
  3. Journal Article
    Individual Brain Charting dataset extension, third release for movie watching and retinotopy data
    Ana Luísa Pinho, Hugo Richard, Ana Fernanda Ponce, Michael Eickenberg, Alexis Amadon, Elvis Dohmatob, Isabelle Denghien, Juan Jesús Torre, and 18 more authors
    Sci Data Jun 2024